New Minimum Wage: Labour tells workers to prepare for strike

The organised Labour has directed its members in all the 36 states and Abuja to get ready for a total showdown with government should the negotiation on the adjustment from the new national minimum wage break down.

On its part, the government side is insisting on 9.5 percent salary adjustment for officers on grade levels 07-14 and 5 percent for those on grade levels 15-17.

The workers expressed concern that rather than presenting the two positions to technical subcommittee as agreed, but “Surprisingly, when the Technical Sub-Committee reconvened, the Government Side introduced a strange clause to the discussion insisting that the Term of Reference of the Committee was to work out the consequential adjustment of salaries of Public Servants based on the subhead provided for salaries in the 2019 Budget.”

All efforts by the Trade Union Side to persuade the Government Side to return to the right track of negotiation and agree on a realistic percentage increase proved abortive.”

"Thus, the Government Side deliberately created a stalemate and thereafter adjoined the meeting of the Technical Committee sine die.”

According to a communiqué, a copy of which was issued to newsmen, the workers said the downward review by labour was due to a promise by government to undertake a general salary review in no distance time.

The communiqué was jointly signed by the acting chairman and Secretary, Comrades Anchaver Simon and Alade Bashir Lawal.

The communiqué reads in part, “The Trade Union Side of JNPSNC has now resolved that the Federal Government should reconvene the meeting of the Technical Committee on Consequential Adjustment immediately so that it can conclude its deliberations and ensure that all Public Service Employees benefit adequately from the N30,000 new monthly National Minimum Wage signed into Law by Mr. President since April, 2019.”


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